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“The Brut” and King Arthur II – historic texts link ruler to Wales
Centuries-old manuscripts detailing the history of Great Britain tell the story of a warrior king who was crowned ruler of Glamorgan, a region in Southeastern Wales near present-day Cardiff.
Historians hesitate to admit whether King Arthur II actually existed, but most would scoff at the notion that he not only lived, but that he was really from Wales. However, one of the most comprehensive histories of early Britain, written by the scribes of the day and finally curated about a century ago, explain precisely the quests and victories of King Arthur and his roundtable knights.
“The Brut or The Chronicles of England: Part I” was compiled and annotated in 1906 by Friedrich W.D. Brie, Ph.D., for the Early English Text Society. It tells us that King Arthur was a king of Briton. It also tells us that he was a Welsh king – not English like so many scholars of British history believe.
Dr. Brie culled from dozens of source manuscripts to compile the lengthy tome of more than 600 pages embracing the period from the arrival of Albyne, circa 1560 B.C., and Brutus, circa 504 B.C., to about 1480 A.D. Although there is some speculation about the accuracy of “The Brut,” scholars say it was the second-most copied text in 14th century Britain, second only to the Wycliffe Bible.
We know from other texts that Arthur lived in the sixth century. Following his conquest of France, Arthur divided up the land among his supporters then went home to Briton. It was then that the texts say he was “crowned king of Glamorgan.”
“The Brut” does not offer an account of Arthur’s death, only that he handed over his kingdom when he felt that he was no longer able to rule. There is evidence that King Arthur met his demise during a journey to America following a comet’s crossing over Briton and wreaking havoc in South America.
Read MoreBritish researchers working with The Welsh Cultural Endeavor have been knighted
We are pleased to announce that researchers in Britain who work closely with The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania have received high honors from a king whose own journey and plight to be recognized reflects their own.
Alan Wilson of Wales and Englishman Baram Blackett will be knighted, effective, June 29, 2016, by King Kigeli V of Rwanda. The date coincides with the king’s 80th birthday. Wilson and Blackett have been at the forefront of research into the true history of Wales and Britain despite criticism from their peers and academics, and now they are being honored for it.
For nearly four years, The Welsh Cultural Endeavor has been working to preserve and propagate a lifetime’s worth of research painstakingly gathered by Wilson and Blackett. In the rolling hills of Wales, the two have uncovered an ancient language, undeniable evidence of the first-century Christian church in Wales and proof that the famed King Arthur II, whose name and feats have been fictionalized and fantasized for centuries, was a warm-blooded Welshman who once traveled to America and died at the hands of attacking Native Americans in the sixth century.

George Horwatt, President of The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania, holds proclamations signed by King Kigeli V of Rwanda to knight Welsh Researchers Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
King Kigeli V recognizes the efforts of Wilson and Blackett and reflected this in a proclamation. He commended the two for their meticulous forensic investigations, which were often completed at great personal cost. King Kigeli V has conveyed to them the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Lion of Rwanda.
George C. Horwatt, founder and President of The Welsh Cultural Endeavor, has been named the king’s emissary to Wilson and Blackett and has worked tirelessly to coordinate their knighting. Wilson and Blackett join the ranks of African leaders to be knighted by the Rwandan king, most notably the late South African President Nelson Mandela.
“We only read the records. If it’s not in the records we don’t put it in the book. If it’s not on a piece of parchment or on a stone tablet or a … jug or on a grave or whatever, it doesn’t go in the book. If the site isn’t there on a map and you can’t stand on it, it doesn’t go in the book. We’re not interested in extrapolating or in interpreting or speculating in our research, be weird if we didn’t. It’s a seminal work. Nobody else has bothered for 300 years at least. We always admit the mistake – if we’ve made the mistake, we’ve got that wrong – and it’s the right way to go.” ~ Alan Wilson, during a 2010 conference in Bath, England
Since being granted political asylum in the U.S. in 1992, King Kigeli V, who has a United Nations resolution from the 1960s calling for his return to the throne, has lived a modest life outside of Washington, D.C., and he remains devoted to serving Rwandans throughout the diaspora resulting from the tribal tensions in the 1990s.
Much like the Rwandan king, Wilson and Blackett have long been denied legitimacy in Wales. As an organization committed to preserving Welsh heritage and culture in the United States, we see the truth in their findings and feel obligated to help protect the knowledge they have gathered. As an organization committed to preserving Welsh heritage and culture in the United States, we see the truth in their findings and feel obligated to help protect the knowledge they have gathered.
“In recognition of original research, often at great personal cost, demonstrating 40 years of meticulous forensic investigations into the beginnings of ancient Britain and that the famed King Arthur was two historical individuals, His Majesty King Kigeli V of Rwanda, the last king to reign in Rwanda, has awarded the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Lion of Rwanda to Alan Wilson and Anthony Thomas (Baram) Blackett. Other notable historical awardees of the same Order are Sir Conrad Swan, Garter Principal King of Arms; Sir James Carlisle, Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda; His Majesty King Mwambutsa IV of Burundi; His Majesty Sir Edward Mutesa, King of Buganda; His Majesty King Hussein of Jordan; His Excellency Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa; His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; and other awardees.” ~ Statement from His Majesty’s Private Secretary regarding the knighthoods for Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
Read MoreKing Arthur in America — Dr. Lee Pennington
World-renowned forensic historian, author and poet, Dr. Lee Pennington, from Louisville, Kentucky, presented discoveries made of the presence of King Arthur along with his brother, Prince Madoc, in America during the mid 6th century. A host of artifacts and records were on display.
Read more about Dr. Pennington.
The presentation took place on Saturday, March 26, in the Irem Temple Country Club, Dallas, and included a buffet dinner.
Read MoreWelshman of the Year – Chris Flynn
Picture Caption: Remarks by Dr. Richard M. Loomis (left ) — Chris Flynn (right)
This is a first for us. As The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania is not a society and has no members, we do have a lot of supporters, donors, and people who dedicate an enormous amount of time, thus making this non-profit, pure public charity, cultural organization a success. After over 8 years in existence, we have something to show for ourselves and to the Welsh community both locally and abroad. We pride ourselves as being the regions most progressive Welsh ethnic awareness group of interested Cymry.
The Board of Directors decided that with this record, it was time to start recognizing those who have brought this ‘interest group’ to high achievement. In reality, no one person is responsible for our success, and it doesn’t really take any formal talent to perform difficult and sometimes frustrating tasks. We’ve come to realize that ordinary people can and do most often rise to the occasion, only to realize that they can contribute to something great and beyond what they ever imagined. These are the people who rarely make the mainstream press articles, receive shiny medallions and rarely are recognized for their efforts. Many times these are the people rarely seen, but it they who are the ones behind the scenes making sure everything performs to expectations.
The person this year to be recognized and honored is Chris Flynn, a resident of Shavertown.
Chris, however is no ordinary person. Chris did not start out well early in life. Being raised in an orphanage was more than a challenge and his formal education stopped at that point for the most part. For 40 years plus Chris was an auto mechanic; he could change out an engine, install ball-joints, diagnose electrical and fuel systems with regard to engines and rebuild transmissions. In later years Chris turned his attention to recreational marine products such as boats, motors and trailers where he caught on to the vast differences of operation in the marine environment. When the repair manual suggested one method, Chris could usually figure out another more logical approach to solve a problem. When Chris ‘formally’ retired from full time employment, he kept his himself busy repairing autos and boats when needed. But he didn’t stop there. Always longing for knowledge on subjects that interested him and being denied a real formal education, Chris set out on another path despite caring for his ailing and long time wife Barbara of 40 years. She sadly passed away in 2011.
This time it was back to formal school to study the composition and make up of ‘gadgets’ that he loves to work with, namely computers. Studying full time during the past several years, Chris earned two Associates degrees, one in Network Administration and a second one in Network Administration and Security. Not stopping there he is pursuing his third Associates degree, this time in Computer Science & Programing. Chris has been an asset to his church dedicating much time to the technology aspect at High Point Baptist Church in Larksville and with their children’s programs and activities.
As for the Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Chris has dedicated many late hours, week days and weekends directing mailers for fundraiser activities, preparing programs such as the Evan Roberts Revival Project titled Revival – Heavenly Inspired Holiness or Man Made Hoax ?, which was created by this organizational effort. At numerous Welsh gatherings, Chris was always working with us in some technical capacity. He still is!
Judging by the surname Flynn, it doesn’t appear to be too Welsh like most people here nowadays. But Chris is Welsh as he identifies that his grandfather, Mark Wilde, on mother’s side, emanated from Cardiff.
Despite enduring two serious heart attacks, in which one he drove himself to the hospital, he carries yet another full-time schedule without a hitch. What Chris won’t tell you is that his real badge of honor is being covered in grease and oil after successfully completing a complicated repair. But things do change!
Our hats off to you Chris – Welshman Of The Year and diolch yn fawr for all you have done!
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