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Recovery of the Welsh Culture and what the history books won’t tell you
Post Brexit and the possible great opportunities
The WCE persists in its plight to restore cultural nationalism
• Establishment intellectuals ostracize those who speak the truth.
• Wales’ energy and natural resource industries have been squandered while other nations reap the rewards.
• To compete internationally, Wales needs to concentrate on its private sector.
• Knowledge of accurate history binds people to their nation.
• Wales must reclaim its place in history so not to suffer another millennium of oppression.
Many publications both in the US and the UK, particularly Welsh, abhor the June “Brexit vote.” Some blasted the voter’s intellect and others embarked on elitist rants continuing their socialist mantra. The vote count reveals that zero districts in Scotland and Northern Ireland voted “leave.”
What’s most surprising is that the UK national “leave” voters were 51.9 percent and stunningly in Wales, 52.5 percent of voters opted to exit the European Union. Furthermore the “leave” vote by region in Wales reveals the fact that only five out of 22 regions voted to “remain” in the EU.
Undoubtedly, Wales said something big, and either no one is listening or the media is censoring because of a culture of biased agenda. We think it might be a little of both.
Wales has suffered more than most from liberal economics and from political devotees in Britain, Europe and America. The 2012 Eurozone debt crisis alone left every family in Britain an average £18,000 poorer. Swathes of manufacturing jobs have left for cheap-labor nations, never to be replaced, and in some deprived areas of Wales, we see a third generation of unemployed people living on state handouts.
Now, energy and natural resources have become a prominent industry in Wales’ replacing a once-burgeoning mining industry. However, both have been grossly and irresponsibly mishandled.
Politicians don’t want anyone to know that most of the water captured by English-built dams in Wales goes to England. National government developers flooded entire villages to build the dams and relocated residents. The eyesore windmills that scour the Welsh countryside are horribly inefficient and have no economic benefit. If we attempt to place a cost/benefit analysis upon the environment, archaeological and ecological loss, there would be no “green gain.”
Before his death in April, Sir David Mackay, chief scientific advisor to the Department of Energy and Climate Change admitted that even if wind turbines covered 10 percent of the UK, they would provide an intermittent power supply at best. No one ever calculated the detrimental effects of their rusting hulls, rotting concrete underground or the unrecyclable composite blades. Fact remains that Wales supplies more than half of its electricity to England with five times the density of wind turbines in Wales compared to England.
The problem in Wales is the immigration of people who lean heavily on health and social resources rather than contributing to national wealth. These immigrants have little interest, if any, in furthering our most unique customs and culture, yet while pols (the government) cater to their every need, these newcomers dilute our population.
The ancient texts show that the Welsh government, then kings, made their primary purpose thwarting invaders who tried to settle in Wales. King Arthur I, in the early fourth century, fought off the Romans. Arthur II, in the early- to mid-sixth century, pushed back invading Saxons.
But it seems like in 1300, after the Norman King Edward I murdered Welsh King Morgan, the Welsh began to lose their country. Control of the Welsh Kingdom has withered ever since, but national pride has never truly diminished.
Britain has to begin with home-grown manufacturing that pays normal taxation rates. All private sector services suck the life from a manufacturing industry that could pay living wages to thousands now without work. Politicians with no knowledge of private industry seem to think that creating jobs in the public sector helps the nation. It does not. Their pay comes increasingly out of loans, not from the private sector. Many economies simply borrow money, which they can never pay back.
Yet there is no anger in Wales.
Depression? Yes.
Apathy? Yes.
Acceptance? Yes – perhaps until now.
Welsh author Terry Breverton took part in and provided poems for the 600th celebration of the beginning of Owain Glyndŵr’s War of Independence at Machynlleth. The former international rugby star Ray Gravelle, joined by a current television presenter, was to hand the sword over to the mayor. But at the last minute, they were replaced by the French consul for Wales, who made a gracious speech and knew the history of the French support for the greatest of all Welsh heroes. The BBC told Gravelle and the presenter that they would be in trouble if they attended. The BBC did not want to be associated with what it thought was a nationalist celebration.
Suffice to say, we know how Gravelle must have felt. The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania, in its ongoing efforts to expose significant differences between established academics and religious clerics and rock-solid historical evidence, has organized several top-notch events highlighting Welsh history and culture over the 10 years. Notably, this past March, we hosted Pulitzer Prize nominee Dr. Lee Pennington of Kentucky who presented an astounding rendition of the second King Arthur and his brother, Prince Madoc, coming to America in the mid-sixth century.
Killed during a battle with American Indians, King Arthur’s remains were returned to his native Wales. Ten different accounts tell of his funeral and the two places of interment. Despite requests for help from the secular press and paid advertisements in Welsh media to promote Dr. Pennington’s visit, the media replied with little more than the sound of crickets.
As no Welsh politician appears to have any vision beyond extending socialism, it is doubtful that many in power truly understand the magnificent history we have in our blood.
It is shameful that Wales is dying economically and culturally. Instead of rooting out the problem, the pols and media make accusations of racism and bigotry. They ignore that multiculturalism brings with it enormous costs and a loss of national values that we once so cherished as being Cymry.
National culturalism costs nothing, yet it is priceless to our people and other nations admire it. We can prove that real Welsh history was rarely or never taught and has been deliberately misrepresented. Most of us know who we are, yet 57 percent of the world knows nothing about Wales.
Our Christian and pre-Christian history is backed by solid evidence. We can show that we the Welsh – really known as the Khumry, Kimmeroi, and now Cymry – are without question the 10 Tribes of Israel as noted even by the ancient Assyrian records. We can associate the Holy Family with the lineage of the Welsh Kings.
Wales also is a place steeped in great Christian faith. The four Welsh Christian Revivals – over a period of about 200 years in the 1700s, 1800s and early 1900s – brought a moral reconstruction to Wales and sweeping conversions to Christianity for its people.
The eisteddfod, the unique pride of the Welsh tradition furthers our quest for excellence in poetry, prose and music performance.
Our organization chooses to be different and has taken a higher road than government, academia and the establishment church. We firmly believe that knowing the truth will set us free and lead us to be recognized as a culture with roots that trace back to civilization’s foundation. We focus on bringing truth to the forefront while encouraging the Cymry in self-worth, individualism and the entrepreneurial spirit to become independent again as a nation – a nation forged by a highly-literate and well-educated people thousands of years ago.
Can we say that history is what truly binds us to a country? Could Brexit be the apparatus that shakes up the establishment and peels back the first layer of bondage ushering us as a people toward independence?
Cymru am byth!
Read MoreLonging to reclaim Welsh identity revealed in Brexit
Wales can seize EU departure to re-establish its rich culture
Nation still struggles for recognition while Irish & Scots dominate in the press
‘Remain’ vote strong in regions flush with outsiders where language and nationalism are waning
Wales gave a resounding vote of no confidence in the European Union during Britain’s June 23 referendum to leave the trading bloc. Brexit for the Welsh is a chance to peel back the surface layer of confounding, ethnic suppression that muddies our history and keeps our people from realizing economic and cultural independence. Citizens of what had once been thriving coal, steel and slate producing regions of Wales made their position clear with their votes – globalization has done them no favors, and they are leery about taking part in the bloc.
Welsh voters pushing, on the other hand, to remain in the EU largely hailed from regions populated by outsiders and immigrants, places like Cardiff, Vale of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire, where the Welsh language and any sense of nationalism languish. Some in those regions worry now they’ll lose financial support Wales receives through the EU. Wales for years has watched as growing reliance on technology has replaced literacy. A nation built on Christian faith with a rich history in language and some of the most beautiful music and poetry in the world is slowly being sucked into the pit of globalism, an idea if we follow to its conclusion, will leave us stripped of any semblance of national identity.
We asked Welsh author Terry Breverton, a former businessman turned academic, to share his thoughts on what Brexit means for the nation. In his response, he lamented the dwindling number of actual Welsh who live in Wales
“The best Welsh people leave to get better jobs in England and elsewhere, and in effect Wales has become ‘Europe’s Tibet,’” he said, going on to paint a bleak picture of Wales. Read Mr. Breverton’s full response here.
“(Wales) has among the worst health, housing, living standards, GDP per household and education statistics in Europe, partially owing to the influx of non-workers on benefits [Wales has the highest proportion of people on benefits in Britain] and partially because the Barnett Formula has for forty years skewed central government spending towards Northern Ireland and Scotland at the expense of Wales,” he said.
A global market, in most regards, is good for trade – businesses are much happier with an unfettered, open market. That’s why the British are now trying to find the sweet spot between open trade benefits and a firmer grip on borders and economic policy.
It’s important we stop here to draw a line between nationalism and belligerence. Recent citizen groups and news media report violence toward immigrants has spiked since the Brexit vote. Violence is obviously not what we’re talking about here, and we don’t condone it.
The Welsh long have lacked agency in Westminster. The Welsh long have watched their significance as a nation choked out while history is rewritten. The Welsh have sat idly by while their language, traditions and music have been shamefully diluted.
Restoring nationalism and identity for the Brits was one pillar of the “leave” campaign, but the English, the Irish and the Scots have taken center stage. Meanwhile, we the Welsh, the original Britons, have been quietly suppressed and stripped of our agency as a nation. Brexit can be the first step of many in restoring international recognition, but only if we use it correctly.
Cymru am byth!
Read MoreBritish researchers working with The Welsh Cultural Endeavor have been knighted
We are pleased to announce that researchers in Britain who work closely with The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania have received high honors from a king whose own journey and plight to be recognized reflects their own.
Alan Wilson of Wales and Englishman Baram Blackett will be knighted, effective, June 29, 2016, by King Kigeli V of Rwanda. The date coincides with the king’s 80th birthday. Wilson and Blackett have been at the forefront of research into the true history of Wales and Britain despite criticism from their peers and academics, and now they are being honored for it.
For nearly four years, The Welsh Cultural Endeavor has been working to preserve and propagate a lifetime’s worth of research painstakingly gathered by Wilson and Blackett. In the rolling hills of Wales, the two have uncovered an ancient language, undeniable evidence of the first-century Christian church in Wales and proof that the famed King Arthur II, whose name and feats have been fictionalized and fantasized for centuries, was a warm-blooded Welshman who once traveled to America and died at the hands of attacking Native Americans in the sixth century.

George Horwatt, President of The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania, holds proclamations signed by King Kigeli V of Rwanda to knight Welsh Researchers Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
King Kigeli V recognizes the efforts of Wilson and Blackett and reflected this in a proclamation. He commended the two for their meticulous forensic investigations, which were often completed at great personal cost. King Kigeli V has conveyed to them the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Lion of Rwanda.
George C. Horwatt, founder and President of The Welsh Cultural Endeavor, has been named the king’s emissary to Wilson and Blackett and has worked tirelessly to coordinate their knighting. Wilson and Blackett join the ranks of African leaders to be knighted by the Rwandan king, most notably the late South African President Nelson Mandela.
“We only read the records. If it’s not in the records we don’t put it in the book. If it’s not on a piece of parchment or on a stone tablet or a … jug or on a grave or whatever, it doesn’t go in the book. If the site isn’t there on a map and you can’t stand on it, it doesn’t go in the book. We’re not interested in extrapolating or in interpreting or speculating in our research, be weird if we didn’t. It’s a seminal work. Nobody else has bothered for 300 years at least. We always admit the mistake – if we’ve made the mistake, we’ve got that wrong – and it’s the right way to go.” ~ Alan Wilson, during a 2010 conference in Bath, England
Since being granted political asylum in the U.S. in 1992, King Kigeli V, who has a United Nations resolution from the 1960s calling for his return to the throne, has lived a modest life outside of Washington, D.C., and he remains devoted to serving Rwandans throughout the diaspora resulting from the tribal tensions in the 1990s.
Much like the Rwandan king, Wilson and Blackett have long been denied legitimacy in Wales. As an organization committed to preserving Welsh heritage and culture in the United States, we see the truth in their findings and feel obligated to help protect the knowledge they have gathered. As an organization committed to preserving Welsh heritage and culture in the United States, we see the truth in their findings and feel obligated to help protect the knowledge they have gathered.
“In recognition of original research, often at great personal cost, demonstrating 40 years of meticulous forensic investigations into the beginnings of ancient Britain and that the famed King Arthur was two historical individuals, His Majesty King Kigeli V of Rwanda, the last king to reign in Rwanda, has awarded the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Lion of Rwanda to Alan Wilson and Anthony Thomas (Baram) Blackett. Other notable historical awardees of the same Order are Sir Conrad Swan, Garter Principal King of Arms; Sir James Carlisle, Governor General of Antigua and Barbuda; His Majesty King Mwambutsa IV of Burundi; His Majesty Sir Edward Mutesa, King of Buganda; His Majesty King Hussein of Jordan; His Excellency Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa; His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia; and other awardees.” ~ Statement from His Majesty’s Private Secretary regarding the knighthoods for Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett.
Read MoreDr. Lee Pennington reveals true history of King Arthur
It was pure destiny and a cosmic event that Prince Madoc – brother of legendary King Arthur II, both sons of Welsh King Meurig – to wander the Atlantic Ocean for a decade leaving Wales A.D. 562 for the first time.
The head of the British naval fleet, Prince Madoc, became disoriented as what historians believe was a comet or other astronomical object slammed into earth near Britain with the force of 100 nuclear bombs, Arthur historian, Lee Pennington, Ph.D., explained.

Lee Pennington, Ph.D., speaks during a presentation on King Arthur’s journey to America March 26 at the Irem Temple Country Club, Dallas.
The naval commander, wandering the Atlantic circa sixth century, by chance came across what he described as a lush, green land.
When he finally returned to Wales and his brother, King Arthur of round table fame, 10 years after getting lost, he excitedly recounted his discovery of America.
Dr. Pennington brought these histories, long-criticized by skeptics, to life when he spoke March 26, 2016, at the Irem Temple Country Club. His talk, and an accompanying buffet lunch, were sponsored by The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
“I was delighted with the reaction,” Dr. Pennington said about his reception. “I don’t always get that with this story.”
Whether King Arthur traveled to America 900 years before Christopher Columbus or whether he existed at all, is the source of great controversy. And as one of the world’s leading experts on King Arthur’s life and journeys, Dr. Pennington is no stranger to criticism for his findings.
Dr. Pennington disavowed the notion that a non-existent, unrecorded Madoc who is an invented son of Prince Owen Gwynedd arrives here around A.D. 1175.
King Arthur traveled to what is now the United States, and he died here, Dr. Pennington said.

Dr. Lee Pennington, left, and The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania President George Horwatt pose for a photo during an event March 26 at the Irem Temple Country Club, Dallas.
He showed images of ancient murals that depict native Indians attacking a king, whose arms are spread-eagle, with arrows. Historical documents reveal King Arthur was mummified, wrapped in deer skin and returned to Wales where he lays to this day.
Widely accepted translations of “The Stanzas of the Grave,” an ancient poem describing the burial places of British kings, say Arthur’s grave is “concealed forever.” However, Dr. Pennington argues the translation distorts the original manuscript, and King Arthur’s grave, to the exact spot, is described in the texts. Dr. Pennington’s collaborating experts, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett in England, offer that at least 10 clear records combine to tell of his body being returned to Wales following a great funeral.
“It actually says the grave of Arthur is in a high, windy place,” Dr. Pennington said, going on to explain the name of the field is Mynydd y Gaer meaning fortress mountain, which is long in range.
Dr. Pennington spoke and answered questions for nearly four hours before an engaged and enthusiastic audience on the true history of Welsh King Arthur as well as efforts by other historians to stamp it out. A good number of those attending were not actually Welsh, but followed their curiosity and keen interest in the history of King Arthur.
Dr. Pennington’s presentation is part of a greater effort by The Welsh Cultural Endeavor to introduce our region, which is well-stocked with Welsh descendants, to this, our exciting history, in hopes that we might preserve it and pass it on for generations to come.
Keep watch for more important events and programs to be announced by The Welsh Cultural Endeavor.

This mural depicts the death of King Arthur II in Kentucky, AD 579. Dr. Pennington shared images of the mural during his presentation, and they clearly depict a king being attacked by Indians. The mural was discovered in the 1970s beneath whitewash on the walls of Stoke Dry Church in England.