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Who Are We?

my valleys


‘The Mirror’ of Wales… that’s who we are.

 Northeastern Pennsylvania…

                      …No other place on earth can claim this connection.

The Welsh Cultural Endeavor of Northeastern Pennsylvania is purely a non-profit public charity organized as a corporation, and holds a determination letter under the IRS code 501 (c) (3).  This allows us to gain funding while permitting the benefactor to take advantage of tax deductions.

We are not an institution – We are an interest group – dedicated to preservation of Welsh culture through proliferation of new presentation ideas and making awareness of customs and traditions while focusing on future generations and their awareness of who we are. We seek preservation through propagation efforts and ultimately we are all about those not yet part of us.


Where we’ve been

In 2007 we raised major funding and hosted our first major event in Wilkes-Barre. It was a large hymn sing gathering at the acoustically beautiful St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church known as the gymanfa ganu.  Coordinated with a powerful organ, Wales’s top choir, an attentive singing audience topped off with a world renowned Welsh conductor, it was the most glorious reverberant sound this side of heaven.


Where we are

Now you can discover this rich heritage in Welsh narration.  Currently we raised another significant amount of money to produce what Richard (Jenkins) Burton’s father, Dic Jenkins, once muttered “Pwy Sydd Fel Nyni ?” or Who Is Like Us?  This documentary depicts the uniqueness of the Welsh in the northeastern counties of Pennsylvania and how this area has mirrored Wales for over three centuries… more than anywhere else in the U. S.

The documentary is now available on DVD format.  In the immortal words of President George Washington: ”Good Welshmen make good Americans.”



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